Monday, August 3, 2009

To All the Mammas...

While living in Italy ten years ago, the feminist in me was disturbed by all the Italian mammas who kept telling me to become "da sposare." "Da sposare" means to be "marriageable," or in other words, a competent cook. The nerve!!! And yet I have to admit that I now understand what they were saying. We've all seen the studies that show the value of regularly sitting down as a family to a home-cooked meal. But the time! The preparation! And the age-old question of "What's for dinner?" This fall I will be teaching an adults' class on Easy, Authentic Italian Pastas and Risottos and I'd love to have you come! Feel free reply to this post and I'll let you know the details.


  1. The lucky ladies living in Salt Lake are crazy if they don't sign up for this class. I was asked to bring a meal to someone who just had a baby and I was thinking "what would Tiffany bring." I was going to call and ask for your top 5 pasta recipes last night! The are so delicious, and great for people who are trying to cook on a budget. And your risotto is To. Die. For. I wish I lived closer...

  2. Thanks, I'd love more info!
    Lindsey Randle:

  3. My husband and I went to Italy two years ago. One of our favorite days was spent in a cooking class.

    We'd love more info on your adult class. Sounds like fun.
